Learn about the incredible Alma Harmony XL Pro services available at CardinaLight Health.

Get your healthy skin back with a leading aesthetic procedure called Alma Harmony Laser. This modern procedure leads the medical cosmetic industry to fight the visible signs of aging and restore your healthy glow.

At CardinaLight Health, we are proud proponents of this safe and effective procedure. This laser procedure can eliminate textural irregularities and skin discoloration to help make you look younger. Alma Harmony Laser uses leading cosmetic technology to treat many different skin imperfections, including:

  • Red and Brown Skin Discoloration

  • Vascular and Pigment Lesions

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Hair Removal

  • Tattoo Removal

It uses Advanced Florescence Technology laser light to transform the skin at a molecular level. While this treatment can work for many people, treatments will depend on your unique skin condition and aesthetic goals.

After having Alma Harmony Laser, your skin will continue to age. This is especially true when exposed to sunlight and other environmental elements. The good news is that you can return to our office for periodic touch-up services to help maintain the youthful, healthy glow that Harmony Laser brings to your skin.

A woman admires her hairless armpit in the mirror after receiving laser hair removal treatment

Alma Harmony Hair Removal

The Alma Harmony Hair Removal treatment is a quick, safe, and effective hair removal system. The best part about this treatment is that it can be customized to suit your unique needs.

This treatment provides virtually painless and highly effective hair removal. It uses advanced technology to ensure hair is eliminated in specified areas and with a shorter treatment time.

The Harmony XL Pro has a sweeping laser that covers the treatment area, only removing hair in a particular growth stage. This technology ensures that we only extract the hair you want to remove. If you want more hair removed, you will need additional treatment to affect the hair at the other growth stage.

Harmony ClearLift

Our Harmony ClearLift treatment is a modern alternative to skin resurfacing and cosmetic surgery. It is a less invasive way to clear the signs of aging and give you a more youthful appearance. Harmony ClearLift can eliminate years from your face, around your eyes, hands, neck, and decolletage in minutes. ClearLift from Harmony XL Pro can provide results similar to chemical peeling and laser resurfacing without discomfort. It is virtually painless, and you will experience zero downtime.

The ClearLift treatment can eliminate skin damage, giving you a more youthful appearance. A lifetime of the sun’s harmful rays can cause wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots, skin laxity, and an uneven skin tone. This treatment can tighten and lift the skin, eliminating those fine lines and wrinkles. It can also break up unwanted pigmentation, helping to eliminate sunspots and other discoloration of the skin.

ClearLift emits short yet powerful bursts of light. These light bursts penetrate the skin’s surface, stimulating collagen and breaking up unwanted pigmentation. Stimulating collagen will tighten and lift the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

The ClearLift procedure takes only minutes, so it is sometimes referred to as a “lunchtime procedure.”

Harmony DYE VL

The Harmony DYE VL treatment combines two trusted and advanced cosmetic technologies: Pulsed DYE Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Harmony DYE VL is considered a “gold standard” treatment because it can effectively treat different skin conditions.

Harmony DYE VL can treat numerous skin conditions, including:

  • Vascular Lesions

  • Pigmented Lesions

  • Port Wine Stains

  • Hemangioma

  • Rosacea

  • Angiomas

  • Venous Malformation

Not only is this treatment effective, but it will not damage your skin during the procedure. The DYE VL uses selective pulsed light to treat precise areas of the skin. The smooth, consistent light pulses deliver energy to specific areas of the skin. This procedure is gentle yet highly effective.

The DYE VL is considered an effective treatment to reduce benign vascular lesions. Benign vascular lesions, which tend to be red, are caused by an abnormal cluster of blood vessels. The DYW Vl heats and closes off these vessels, reducing the lesions without damaging other nearby skin tissue.

Pigmented lesions, made from clusters of melanin, appear brown. The light energy from the DYE VL heats the melanin in the lesions, causing them to fragment. The targeted treatment area absorbs the light to break up the excess melanin causing discoloration. Your body then absorbs that melanin and eliminates them.

This treatment is highly effective for most patients. You can expect to see results quickly and experience a continued improvement over time. You will feel the treatment. Patients often describe the sensation of a light rubber snap on the skin.

Alma Harmony Laser Tattoo Removal

The Alma Harmony Laser Tattoo Removal treatment utilizes the Alma Q-switched Laser to provide safe and effective tattoo removal.

In years past, tattoo removal was a painful and arduous procedure. Our laser uses advanced technology to deliver high-energy light pulses to the skin to remove tattoos. The pulses are absorbed by the tattoo, breaking down the pigment in the skin. The pigment gets fragmented into tiny pieces that the body naturally eliminates.

The treatment can be effective for everyone. However, the treatment process will depend on your unique needs. The size, color, and location of the tattoo will determine the number of treatments you will need.

Before your treatment, our staff will apply a local anesthetic to make you comfortable during the procedure.

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