• What is a nurse practitioner?

    Sharon is a nurse practitioner with full practice authority in Illinois. This means Sharon is authorized and qualified to evaluate patients, diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and manage treatments, including prescribing medication under the authority of the state board of nursing.

  • What does CardinaLight mean?

    Many believe that when a cardinal appears, an angel is near. The name of our practice, CardinaLight, was born with this thought in mind. Sharon’s father left behind a legacy that is filled with love, faith, and purpose, and we wanted to honor this in an endeavor we know that he would have completely supported. Our practice logo is representative of Sharon and her father in a brakeman’s lantern, a lantern her paternal grandfather used throughout his career, and a lantern that was present in Sharon’s home her entire childhood. CardinaLight Health and Wellness is a medical practice that embodies that love, faith, and purpose.

  • Can CardinaLight Health perform annual women's health exams?

    Yes! Women have unique needs that require specialized preventative health screenings. Our practice provides PAP smears and breast exams. We can also order screening mammograms. Our providers also help you manage any other women-related issues, like menopause concerns or contraception.

  • Can CardinaLight Health treat my whole family?

    Yes! CardinaLight is a full family practice. We can and do treat patients of all ages, including newborns.

  • Do you offer employment, school, and sports physicals?

    Yes! CardinaLight offers school, sports, and employment physicals.

  • Can Sharon prescribe medications and order and interpret diagnostic tests?

    Yes! Sharon Larsen is a nurse practitioner with full practice authority in the state of Illinois and can prescribe medication as well as order and interpret diagnostic tests.

Schedule An Appointment

We look forward to serving you. Please contact us with any questions, or use the button to schedule your appointment.